16 kbit FRAM in space-saving SON-8 package

Fujitsu 16 KBit FRAMMSC now offers the addition of a new smaller package to the MB85RC16, 16 Kbit Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM), from Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe (FSEU). The new 16 kbit FRAM features ultra low-power consumption. The package dimension of the MB85RC16 is just 3 mm x 2 mm. Compared with the older SOP-8 package, the new SON-8 package reduces the mounting space by up to 80 percent.

The MB85RC16 has an active current of 70 ?A (typical at 1 MHz) and in standby mode, the current is only 0.1uA. Compared with standard EEPROM, the current consumption during writing can be reduced by as much as 98 percent. The combination of ultra low power consumption, small footprint and extremely fast write operations make the MB85RC16 a perfect non-volatile memory solution for portable and sensing applications in medical and industrial segments as well as for energy harvesting applications.

Detailed information about the MB85RC16 ultra low-power 16 kbit FRAM with new SON-8 small package can be requested by sending an email to [email protected].