Rutronik includes new modular connector line heavy|mate® F from Amphenol in its program

APR13-RUT-Amphenol-heavy mate F

The new heavy|mate® F series from Amphenol is a flexible modular system. Different than the existing heavy|mate® M, this line is intermateable to the market standard of rectangular connectors and to the lines of major competitors. It is available at distributor Rutronik as of now.

Different sizes offer spaces for 2 to 6 modules in a metal frame. A big advantage is that modules are simply clicked into the frames from the backside during assembly and can be removed without additional tooling.

Completely new is the option to mount modules in half slots of the module width. This offers many new options for future module developments as modules with 0,5 slot or 1,5 sloth widths are possible.

6 different power and signal modules are available with 3, 6, 8, 12, 17 and 20 poles for voltages up to 830V. These modules can be used with the well-known 1,6mm (10A); 2,5mm (16A and 4,0mm (40A) machined crimp contacts.