Briton EMS, the privately owned, Bedford, UK, based electronics manufacturing services company, has been bought outright by OSI Electronics, an EMS provider with manufacturing plants in California, Indonesia and Malaysia.
“In merging our strengths with those of OSI Electronics, there are immediate customer benefits including access to higher volume manufacturing at lower cost,” says Tony Abri, Briton EMS Commercial Director. “We remain a producer of high mix / low volume products, working with our customers from the idea and design stage, through prototyping and into production. We will continue with that primary focus. As customers’ products succeed and demand greater volumes, we’re now able to offer duplicated production in higher volumes, high quality production in the Far East,”.
Established in 1979, Briton EMS is the outsource manufacturing partner for over 30 companies, making products on their behalf ranging from life critical and high security electronic devices to sports industry and agricultural products. RF and full functional testing is a major strength.