Acal BFi, Pan-European partner of Bristol Instruments, Inc., have set a new standard for WDM wavelength testing. The introduction of the 828B Optical Wavelength Meterprovides reliable accuracy that is expected from the market, and at a rate that is 100 times faster than any other system available.
The 828B Optical Wavelength Meter measures the absolute wavelength of WDM lasers to an accuracy of ± 1 pm. This accuracy is maintained over long periods of time by calibrating with a built-in wavelength standard resulting in a confidence level of 99.7%. While Acal BFi offers a large range of WDM testing instruments, what makes the 828B system so special is that it measures wavelength at a rate as high as 1 kHz. This speed is very important to manufacturers of WDM components because it enables more efficient wavelength testing, allowing for greater productivity.
What’s more, the speed of the 828B system provides time resolution as short as 1 ms, resulting in more detailed wavelength characterisation of components such as tunable WDM lasers. “Our customers have been asking for faster wavelength measurement for quite some time,” said Dr. Brian Samoriski, President of Bristol Instruments. “The 828B Optical Wavelength Meter satisfies this requirement demonstrating our commitment to our customers and our leadership in wavelength measurement technology.”