DIN Rail mounting enclosures to house embedded platforms

embeddedDuring recent years, industrial control applications have seen a gradual increase in the adoption of embedded ARM Boards. This is a trend which continues to grow and as a result embedded boards such as the Raspberry PI, Beaglebone and Arduino are being more commonly considered for use in industrial applications. Following this trend Hitaltech are pleased to offer a range of DIN Rail mounting enclosures produced specifically to house these embedded platforms. This enclosure range (manufactured by Italtronic Srl.) is being continuously increased in order to offer design engineers a DIN Rail mounting case to suit their requirements.

The enclosures are produced in UL94V-0 self extinguishing material and the supplied kit includes; a transparent top panel, body enclosure and base, as well as the DIN rail hook allowing the enclosure to be mounted on a DIN Rail. These DIN Rail mounting cases can be customised through machining and printing of the enclosure and/or top panel. Customers can chose to have their logo or corporate branding printed onto the product for quantities starting from 100 pieces. A case study discussing the printing/machining options available can be found by visiting the Hitaltech website. In order to offer this enclosure range to both the Maker Tech market and the Industrial sector, Hitaltech are pleased to have distribution agreements in place with both RS Components and CPC.

“As the use of embedded platforms in industrial applications continues to grow it is important for us to be able to offer these enclosures to design engineers within this market. There is also no doubt that a huge demand for these embedded boards is still within the Maker Tech market. For Hitaltech working with CPC and RS Components allows us to reach potential customers which were previously unaddressed as well as having distributors in place who can service enquiries coming from diverse markets.” Explains Hitaltech‘s Marketing Manager, Tara Fisher