Retronix explains how it plays a fundamental role in key supply chains, offering services ranging from component recovery and laser reballing to IC counterfeit testing
Retronix believes in the positive, transforming potential of technology. The company’s commitment to protecting the environment is reflected in its innovations which create new, eco-responsible solutions within the electronics industry.
Products are reaching the end of their functional life far sooner than anyone expected. This reality is creating problems for manufacturers, consumers and the environment alike. For instance, the lack of secondary markets has created massive stockpiles of discarded devices that often go directly to landfills or incinerators. Everyday millions of dollars of brand new and used, high-value components are scrapped by electronic manufacturers because they are attached to faulty or obsolete printed circuit boards.
With over 30-years expertise in component recovery and component preparation services Retronix has been at the forefront of the circular economy model for the electronics industry. This model is designed to re-use materials, introduce them back into the production cycle and increase operational efficiency.
Retronix’ component recovery solution meets the component manufacturer’s specifications of maximum reflow cycles allowed on an electronic component, adhered to extensively by both OEMs and CEMs. This offering not only reduces the amount and cost of scrap going to landfill but as a bonus, seriously damages the counterfeit industry.
As a business, Retronix is committed to reducing customers’ impact on the environment and supporting stakeholders looking to adopt the circular economy ethos. Our sustainability agenda incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations that affect the success of the business.
Retronix has an unrelenting commitment to quality and delivering results in everything it makes and does. With industry leading technology solutions like component recovery, laser reballing, retinning, alloy conversion, IC counterfeit testing, PCB services and many more, Retronix plays a fundamental role in key supply chains for the sectors it operates in.
Retronix’ service technologies play a crucial role in reducing waste, enable re-use of high value components and reduce dependency on macro pressures of the markets. It’s good for business, customers and the planet.