Solving disrupted ASIC programs

Spirit Electronics is offering support for application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) with full screen and qualification for military and space applications. Current foundry consolidation is leaving customers with last time buys or limited access to support their ASICs.

Spirit’s CEO, Marti McCurdy, said: “Spirit Electronics is here to offer support for redesign if needed (meaning customers without a GDS2 or RTL files from their current provider). We can port this over to a Texas Instruments foundry on very similar technology nodes and processes.”

Spirit is offering full-turnkey, vertically integrated services for finished goods for space or military qualified parts, including: analog, digital,
mixed signal and RF design; foundry services at Texas Instruments or other wafer foundries by request; package assembly; electrical test program development; screening; qualification; radiation testing; device physical analysis; and delivery of fully qualified drop-in replacement for current ASICs.