Teri-Ann Winslow, Winslow Adaptics Ltd
We should be experts at recession by now and I think it’s true to say that companies that have weathered the many storms are leaner, more profitable and more capable. Firm foundations have been created through experience and the tools and resources should now be available to manage random events.
The headlines state that the UK economy is set to improve in 2013 but, then we are told we are reliant on a global economy, particularly the Euro zone, so anything can change. I think we’ve all had enough of “doom & gloom” how about “confidence and optimism”? Being risk-aware doesn’t have to mean standing still, the opportunities are still there just maybe a little more difficult to unearth.
From a supply chain perspective a period of inactivity has resulted in equipments being maintained for longer and this leads to greater chances of counterfeit components being made available. So as all these new opportunities arise, it’s important to stay risk-aware and ensure you have the right tools to hand.