Converter has efficiency covered

ES June13 Pg17 to 22 Power MurataMurata offers its Power Solutions PAQ series of 150W isolated DC-DC converters, said to be ideal for use in radio frequency power amplifier applications such as telecommunications infrastructures, CATV systems, satellite communications, RF test and MRI imaging equipment. With its 150W power output rating, the PAQ series is also suitable for micro cell transceivers and indoor wi-fi installations.

Packaged as an industry standard open-frame quarter brick module with through-hole mounting, the converter has a 2:1 input range of 36 to 75V DC around a nominal 48V DC input. The single 29.8V DC nominal output can be trimmed from 23.83 to 32.78V DC in order to accommodate specific voltage requirements.

Operating typically at 92.5 per cent efficiency, the converter can deliver up to five Amps output current from the fully regulated output. An optional base plate is available for use in conduction-cooled designs such as sealed box RF power amplifiers that are often mounted on radio masts. For these applications the converter and base plate are fixed directly to the host equipment chassis, where the PAQ converter is said to reduce operating costs by generating less waste power and maintaining the unit’s reliability.