Portfolio Delivers Optimal Power, Cost and Performance with a Common Development Environment

UntitledAltera Corporation today announced the addition of five new low-cost development kits based on its Cyclone V FPGAs. These new kits make it easy for designers to cost-effectively get started on FPGA development with an entry point of just $49. Altera provides the industry’s broadest portfolio of low-cost solutions that deliver optimal power and performance based on customer’s unique design requirements. The portfolio includes CPLDs, FPGAs and SoCs, which are all supported by the Quartus® II development environment. The Altera portfolio serves the widest variety of high-volume applications and system requirements by offering the industry’s broadest density range with the most packaging options.

“Altera continues to deliver on our promise of offering the most optimized portfolio of low-cost solutions in the industry,” said Patrick Dorsey, senior director of product marketing at Altera. “At a time when other vendors are de-emphasizing their low-cost product offering and forcing their customers to use different design environments, Altera remains focused on delivering a broad range of products with optimized process technologies that are supported by a common design environment, enabling our customers to quickly ramp to high volume.”
