Antenom Antenna Technologies presents a new brick-based modular antenna methodology for designing, training, and building antennas. There are metal cells, 3 different dielectric cells with different dielectric constants, ground planes and connectors in Anten’it kits. Users can mount the pieces by their hands and build antennas easily. There is no need for soldering.
Anten’it Antenna Training Kit is the only kit teaching antenna design in time-limited antenna laboratory lectures. Students can follow the experiment sheets, design their own antennas, build them by connecting the bricks and measure. They can iterate their design directly in front of a network analyser. They can fail with their design, re-design their structure and learn actively. Besides the effective learning, they enjoy antenna design!
Anten’it Antenna Design and Prototyping Kit is for antenna engineers and researchers to design antennas directly in front of a network analyser or prototype their complex structures. This kit includes dielectric cells with 2.6, 4.4 and 8 dielectric constants. Due to the re-usable feature of the bricks, there is no need to purchase materials for each project. It has a datasheet booklet covering more than 100 different antennas up to 6 GHz. Researchers can also select the antennas from the Datasheet Booklet and build them by following the steps in Antenna Building Instructions. After the application, they can dismount the pieces and make them ready to use for another antenna design.
For more info, contact:
2BK Partner Ltd.
0786 785 3812