ECIA has added valuable time-saving enhancements to its component search function.
- Stock Alerts let users know when the stock quantity of an electronic component has met, exceeds, or falls below a specified number.
- Price Alerts notify users of price changes to selected electronic components.
“The component industry is experiencing major supply chain disruptions, with lead times and prices fluctuating dramatically,” explained ECIA Sr Vice President Victor Meijers. “Supply chain managers are under immense pressure, and we wanted to simplify the search process as much as possible. Now users can set up alerts for parts and get notified when the information about that part changes. This is a significant time saver.”
A blog posting with step-by-step instructions on how to create and manage stock and price alerts is now available. To access the tool, users must set up a free account.
The features include several refinements over the previous Stock and Price Alerts tool. Now, instead of selecting from a few different alert notification intervals, it’s been simplified so that you’ll receive a one-time notification of a stock or price update to your selected electronic components. Additionally, users are no longer limited to only 3 stock or price alerts per tracked part. has also upgraded the look of the component search engine results to better reflect the parts being tracked with alerts. Now, when you set up an alert for a certain part and manufacturer, the Create Stock and Price Alerts button for that part will automatically change to a Watching button. This way, as you’re perusing through the search results, you can, at a glance, ensure that you’ve set up all the alerts you need.