Resource site dedicated to purchasing

Following the introduction of Mouser’s Purchasing Resource Library, purchasing professionals now have access to information including videos and topical articles


Mouser Electronics has created a resource site offering information curated specifically for electronics purchasing professionals. The Purchasing Resource Library features dozens of articles and videos that empower buyers with the insights needed to make informed purchasing decisions.


The library contains instructional videos, developed in partnership with leading manufacturers, dedicated to key electronic components. These include a video created with Coilcraft that explains inductors and inductance, plus a video from Analog Devices and Mouser that defines analog-to-digital converters. The library also features articles addressing trending topics, such as vehicle charging infrastructure, chip shortages and supply chain challenges.


The library also helps buyers choose the most suitable products for their design and engineering needs, offering convenient links to the distributor’s services and tools, including the Forte intelligent BoM tool, Price and Availability Assistant and API hub.


In addition to the Purchasing Resource Library Mouser’s website also hosts a Technical Resource Center, plus product data sheets, supplier-specific reference designs, application notes, technical design information, engineering tools and other helpful information.