Starting page 23 of this issue, readers of Electronics Sourcing have access to the first of three previews of MMG Publishing’s Electronic Component Show (ECS), taking place 19 September 2024 at the Kassam Stadium, Oxford.
This 40-page section starts to provide an insight into the range of technologies, products and services that engineers and buyers attending the event can expect to experience. At the time of writing most stands are sold, meaning visitors will have the opportunity to discuss their design and purchasing needs with 65 exhibitors. Visitors can also attend seminar presentations which will be announced in next month’s issue.
The following highlights two examples of what exhibitors will be offering. Cableplus Europe will introduce buyers to its cable and electronic assemblies services, demonstrating how the company helps reduce lead time and liabilities by stocking parts in its UK facilities near Oxford, and offers lower cost, high quality (ISO9001 approved) sub-contract solutions.
Enclosure purchasers can talk to Hammond to learn more about its in-house product modification capabilities which include: precision CNC milling of holes, cut-outs, pockets, tapping and countersinking; UV digital and silk screen printing; engraving of logos and text in plastic/metal; and pressed-in hardware including nuts, studs and standoffs.
Registration for ECS 2024 is open at www.electronic-component-show.co.uk. Opening hours are 10am to 3pm. Visitors benefit from: free car parking; free entrance to exhibition and seminar programme; free refreshments including snacks; £5 food voucher for the catering truck; and networking/meeting spaces.