Expanding supplier portfolio

DigiKey has announced significant portfolio expansions in Q1/Q2 2024, including over 150 new suppliers.

DigiKey’s VP global business development, Mike Slater, said: “By continuously expanding our supplier mix, we are able to fill technology gaps and add products in areas of rapid growth and high demand, as well as emerging technologies, like automation and control, electric and hybrid vehicles, AI, smart sensors, wireless connectivity and more.”

DigiKey’s VP new market development, Missy Hall, added: “DigiKey’s Marketplace growth in the first half of 2024 gives our customers access to more product lines than ever before. We’re continually expanding the diversity of our products and suppliers in new product categories in DigiKey Marketplace and Fulfilled by DigiKey programs to support the global engineering industry with the best possible selection of products.”

Added suppliers include AEM, Flexematic, Faulhaber, Nexcom and Pacific Lasertec. Focussing on products, Pacific Lasertec’s 25-LHP- 213 green helium-neon (HeNe) laser provides an extremely narrow spectral line-width, long operating lifetime, outstanding beam quality and high- value price point.