Expanding SM crystals and oscillators portfolio

Vishay Intertechnology’s Inductors Division has expanded its frequency control line with new surface-mount crystals and oscillators designed to deliver smaller packages, wider value ranges and improved performance, all while reducing costs.

Additions include six series of crystals and three series of oscillators. New sizes include crystals measuring 1.6 by 1.2 mm and oscillators starting at 2.0 by 1.6 mm. These space-saving designs reduce board space requirements and lower overall costs by up to 40 per cent compared to the larger 5 by 7 mm packages.

New crystals cover a frequency range of 12 to 60 MHz—plus a tuning fork crystal that operates at a 32.768 kHz real-time clock frequency—with frequency tolerances of ± 20 ppm or better at 25°C. Oscillators span a frequency range from 1.0 to 125 MHz. With improved temperature stabilities of ± 25 ppm or better—a significant enhancement over the existing ± 50 ppm for crystals and ± 100 ppm for oscillators—these products deliver superior performance in demanding environments.