New Low-cost Miniature Transformers Offer 1500 Vdc Isolation

LPD5030Vsmall-1Coilcraft’s new LPD5030V Series miniature flyback transformers offer 1500 Vdc (1000 Vrms) winding-to-winding isolation in the smallest package size available, making them a cost-effective solution for high-density, isolated circuit applications.

These compact, low-profile transformers are only 2.9 mm high and measure 4.8 mm square. They have a 1:1 turns ratio and an excellent coupling coefficient (K ? 0.97). Offered with inductance values from 4.7 uH to 220 uH and current ratings to 1.9 Amps, they can also be used as coupled shielded power inductors in SEPIC converters or as common mode chokes.

The unique design of the LPD5030V Series allows it to be UL Functional Safety Listed for TNV-1 to SELV applications: functional insulation with a 60Vdc maximum, 42.4 V peak input/output voltages and working voltages to 210 Vdc. It is also RoHS compliant and halogen free.