Eurocircuits’ new user-interface has been developed to share the company’s PCB fabrication knowledge to help users bring their products to market quicker and at lower cost.
As a specialist manufacturer of prototype and small batch PCBs, the online tools will appeal. They provide positive guidance on cost-reduction and automatically validate design data for manufacturability. Immediate online prices, even for complex boards, and immediate online confirmation that data-sets are complete and correct for manufacture, help keep time-to-market on track.
The new user-interface has been designed around two key components: a price calculator and Eurocircuits’ data-set analyser.
For clear costing, the calculator menus indicate relative prices to show the cost implications of different technologies. A technology verification algorithm checks each process parameter against more than 300 fabrication rules to ensure that the design can be manufactured. Catching production issues at this stage avoids delays and re-spins down-line.