Ericsson has won the Best Application award and Best Non-Isolated Digital Power Module categories in the Top 10 Power Product Awards run by the media outlet Electronics Products China. The prizes were awarded to Ericsson’s BMR461, the company’s advanced digital POL point-of-load (POL) regulator that features Dynamic Loop Compensation (DLC) based on ‘state-space’ or ‘model-predictive’ control, guaranteeing stability and achieving the optimum dynamic performance without requiring any external components.
Electronics Products China, which celebrates the very best of innovation in power electronics, has run its prestigious awards event for several years. In 2014, the judging panel included a professor from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics alongside a senior engineer from China Power Supply Society with a close affiliation to Shanghai Association for Science and Technology.
The Dynamic Loop Compensation circuitry built into the BMR461 negates the requirement for external components such as RC networks to adjust control loop compensation parameters. As some board designs employ 30 or more 12A POL regulators, the BMR461 significantly simplifies the design and maintenance process for power designers. Additionally, the BMR461 represents significant savings both in terms of cost and time while also improving reliability.
“The successfully launched BMR461 came to fruition as a result of close cooperation between Ericsson R&D and product development teams based in Sweden and China,” commented Patrick Le Fèvre, Marketing and Communication Director, Ericsson Power Modules. “We have won several awards within the Chinese electronics industry in just a couple of years, which demonstrates the highly efficient and innovative products being developed by Ericsson.”
Based on the ‘state-space’ mathematical model rather than traditional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) regulation, the BMR461 uses closed-loop pole placement and a model based on the resonant frequency of the output filter, thereby reducing the number of output capacitors required for filtering and stability. This technology is highly suitable for FPGA and processor applications where low-ESR decoupling capacitors are currently being used.
The BMR461 features several algorithms that optimize efficiency across a wide range of operating conditions. Compared to the conventional technology that is currently implemented in analog and digital-hybrid POL regulators, the device’s combination of energy optimization algorithms and low bias technology requires up to five times lower current, and therefore further improving overall efficiency.