What’s driving supply chain flexibility?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn a dynamic environment, EMS providers must be able to accelerate and decelerate the supply chain in order to meet fluctuating demand.

In a world where commerce and electronics manufacturing is increasingly global, the buyer/supplier relationship is vital to delivering product at the right time, in the right quantity, to the right location.

In addition to synchronising thousands of parts, potential suppliers and global time zones, OEMs need to remain competitive, which means building sustainable buyer/supplier relationships has never been so important.

With this in mind, the way the supply chain has been managed in the past no longer supports the supply chain of the future. Add to this the complexity of supply chain risk and it is clear that flexible, adaptable and timely supply chains are essential.

This is particularly true as new product introductions and product lifecycles are accelerated, again increasing demand for supply chain flexibility. With the complexity of products and reduced product life spans, planning and ramping to production volumes needs to be a core competency of any EMS.

Collaborative relationships

In response, Dynamic EMS continues its strategy of developing, collaborative business relationships with its suppliers to achieve quality, delivery, cost and flexibility.

Managing director of Dynamic EMS, John Dignan, commented: “Integrating supply chain partners who understand our business and the demands of our customers enables Dynamic EMS to deliver the correct business at the correct cost to the correct customer. By tailoring and defining ‘unique business models’ and presenting a unified supply solution that is adaptive, value generating and responsive to continuous change, we help customers to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive world.

“The foundation of our buyer/supplier relationships is trust, open communication, inter-personal relationships and co-operation. We work our supply chain lean, but also understand we need our suppliers to support our business growth plans moving forward. The support of our supply chain partners enables Dynamic EMS to remain competitive and generate value for our customers.”

Regional manager at Future Electronics, Keith Thomas, added: “The expectation in this increasingly ‘click and collect world’ is that the manufacture of complex electronic assemblies defies some of the principles of lead-time; that products and services are available, without waiting. Our primary aim in our overall relationship with Dynamic EMS is that we help them to competitively manufacture what their customers need, when and where they need it. How do we do this? By offering a flexible, adaptable and timely supply chain which delivers on-time-delivery. A supply chain based on the use of Future Electronics’ e-commerce systems and bespoke inventory availability programmes.”