Building the future

Nemco’s managing director, Dave Pearce

Nemco’s managing director, Dave Pearce, walks readers through the company’s capabilities, from shop floor processes to industrial standards.

As a UK-based contract electronic manufacture (CEM) and electronic manufacturing services (EMS) provider, Nemco is built around a core offering of PCB population, GA assembly, full product build and cable/harness production.

Managing director, Dave Pearce, said: “Our vision is to be the contract electronics manufacturer of choice, providing world class manufacturing services to satisfied customers and to set the standard for quality, delivery and reliability. Investing in people as well as equipment is fundamental to this aim.”

The company’s 60,000ft2, Stevenage-base manufacturing plant offers a mix of services, from product proto-typing, to handling all aspects of the manufacturing and supply cycles including procurement, PCB population, product assembly, test, packaging and logistics.

The backbone of PCB assembly comprises six SMT lines, flow/selective soldering equipment, plus a conventional population team. General assembly services range from ‘PCB in a box’ to highly complex cables assemblies. Test and inspection facilities include AOI, x-ray, functional, ATE, JTAG and flying probe.

Given the increasingly challenging component purchasing environment, Nemco has strengthened its procurement team to support sourcing difficult parts. To cover the technical aspects customers are allocated a specific member of the engineering team as a point of contact.

Nemco’s customers operate in demanding markets including defence, aerospace, medical, laboratory equipment, scientific equipment, instrumentation and transport.

Accreditations include AS 9100, ISO14001 and SC21, for which the company has received a Silver Award for the fourth consecutive year.