Display line up ready to replace popular models from Mitsubishi

A new line up of TFT displays have been part of a focus project for the last year. When we heard the news Mitsubishi are going to cease production of TFT displays in June this year. We slipped into action.

The displays we are offering are 100% compatible to Mitsubishi displays and come with additional features such as IPS technology to offer a wider and symmetrical viewing angle.

You can be confident in knowing that all our displays are manufactured to the highest industrial standards and offer a standard wide operating temperature range of -30 to +80°C, with long term availability.

The sizes we can immediately offer replacements for are:

For other sizes we do have options available from other manufacturers.

The robust Mitsubishi replacement displays are available in sizes from 3.5″ to 19.2″ and the wide operating temperature range makes them suitable for outdoor applications.  Options are available with touch sensors on certain models.