A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is made of semiconductor material and has at least three terminals so that it can be connected to an outside circuit. A change in voltage or current that is applied to one pair of the transistor’s terminals will result in a change in the current that flows through the other pair of terminals. A signal can be amplified by a transistor due to the fact that the controlled power (output) can be significantly higher than the controlling power (input) in some cases. Some transistors are still sold singly packaged in today’s market, but the vast majority are now found embedded in integrated circuits. The transistor is the most essential component of modern electronic devices, and it can be found virtually everywhere that current electronic systems are used. Its capacity to magnify electronic signals is the primary factor behind its significance in the modern civilization. A wide variety of digital and analog circuits, as well as amplifiers, computers, mobile phones, and other types of electronic equipment all make use of transistors.
The components that make up a transistor are called extrinsic p-type and n-type semiconductor regions. An n-type semiconductor is an extrinsic semiconductor that has been doped with electron donor atoms. This type of semiconductor gets its name from the fact that the majority of the charge carriers in the crystal are electrons, which are negative. Because the majority of the charge carriers in the crystal are electron holes, an extrinsic semiconductor that has been doped with electron receiving atoms is referred to be a p-type semiconductor (positive charge carriers).
What are the three common types of Transistors?
In general, transistors can be broken down into one of three categories: bipolar transistors (also known as bipolar junction transistors or BJTs), field-effect transistors (also known as FETs), and insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs).
What are the main Functions of Transistors?
The primary role of the transistor is to act as an amplifier for the electric current that flows through a circuit. As part of its role as an amplifier, the device amplifies a weak electric current that is supplied into its transistors by increasing that current’s magnitude; as a result, the device generates a stronger electric current at its output.
What are the benefits of Transistors?
Transistors are one of the most important components in electronic devices and circuits. They are used in almost all electronic equipment today, including radios, TVs, computers, and cell phones. Transistors are used as switches, amplifiers, and signal processors. Transistors have many advantages over other electronic components. They are small, cheap, reliable and require very little power to operate. They can be used to create very complex electronic circuits.
Chip 1 Exchange distributes electronic and semiconductor components from its extensive list of partner suppliers and manufacturers. Companies like ISC Semiconductor, Kingtronics, Comchip, etc. are trusted brands that supply products like transistors used for automotive, industrial, commercial, and military applications.